Friday, February 10, 2006

Significant Accomplishments

The act of accomplishing or the state of being accomplished; completion.
Something completed successfully; an achievement.
An acquired skill or expertise
Social poise and grace.

I'm sure that there are many profound, significant accomplishments which I have accomplished in my lifetime but for this blog I am going to focus mainly on the specific, significant accomplishments which I have accomplished over the past couple of weeks.

Using the word accomplish 4 times in one sentence.

Running 7.5 miles.

Cooking two successful meals ( move over suzy home-maker!)

Being successfully conned by a phone prank ( one word: "Sammy"....grrrrrr!)

Cleaning a printer and it's colour cartridges at least 10 times in one afternoon.

Only slipping up twice by not thinking about what I say:

"We thought it would be appropriate, since we work with youth, to sing a song that we do at the youth service. It's a bit loud and lively but don't let that stop you from worshiping!"

Head Teacher: " I never get a round of applause from the kids, well done, actually...You're not allowed to come next time!"
Me: "Fine with me, I'll get a chance to sleep in!" (resulting in some wide eyes and nervous laughter from Mike and Lisa)

Watching 4 episodes of Smallville in one day. ( I plead innocent as I was influenced by another source)

Writing a 3 page report for my church back in Ottawa.

Watching Elizabethtown legally before it was even released on dvd (I've got connections!)

Finding a restaurant named "Jenny's" and taking my picture beside it (to be posted later)

Cleaning my room!!!....and keeping it clean!!!! (my how things have changed!)

Thank you, thank you, you may all line up for congratulations on July 28th,2007 as I have a free day available then.


Steve said...

Shucks, I'm sorry Jenny, I think I've got a hair appointment that day.
Well done anyway! I'm intrigued to know what you cooked?

Jenny said...

Chilli using my mom's recipe and these veggie wraps called "shroom with ado" and some roasted vegetable couscous called "livin' on the vedge" the last two were from the cook book my mom got at Christmas.

Steve said...

Yum, sounds good. I never got a chance to look at the book, but I certainly heard enough laughter over it! So were the new recipes a hit?

Tonight we're doing the Thai curry that Dave and Tanys gave us, we're looking forward to it with great delight! Val and Jim are also eager to try it - we thought it sounded too good to keep to ourselves and they love our Indian cooking.