Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Nice Distraction

Two and a half more weeks until I'm back in Canada. I can almost feel the storm cell humidity of the Ottawa Valley and feel the open space of wide roads again. I wonder if I'm going to have reverse culture shock after being away for so long??

I had a wonderful distraction from work the past couple days. Emily, one of my very good friends that I made while at Capernwray, came to visit with her brother. They arrived Sunday evening and left yesterday. I had a great time. We managed to get into Newcastle and see the Haymarket and the Quayside. We had coffee at a trendy bar with huge purple chairs and we went to see the exhibitions at the Baltic. There were some really cool ones. One by Sam Taylor-Wood which was titled "Still Lives" and another one which was a space time tunnel that you walked through. There were T.V. screens all throughout it blasting live broadcasts from around the world at you. We also made it out to Druridge Bay in the evening which is always such a nice place to go.

Yesterday we walked around Morpeth. We saw the Bagpipe Museum which although it may sound boring can always be made more fun when you try on the clothes which are on display! We bought a loaf of bread and walked down to the river to feed the ducks. I've taken a bit of a liking to ducks recently and I really like sitting by the river to eat my lunch and watch them. Yesterday though, we discovered that ducks have an alternative nature other than their sweet quacking cuteness. They also have a vicious, spiteful, biting side! They were going crazy on one another in order to get the bread. At one point this one duck climbed on the back of another and started biting it's neck! Emily started scolding and ran over to scare him off but my goodness. I prefer to think of ducks as cute docile creatures who like rain...that's how Raffi portrayed them! (Give me a shout if you actually know who Raffi is!)

I felt pretty melancholy after they left yesterday. I had to walk home from the train station so I ended up calling Russell so I wouldn't get too down. He's a nice encouraging person :) It was just so much fun to have a friend around. I have friends here, don't think I'm a loner or anything, but someone who understood the past couple months with me, who was able to laugh at the stories we remembered with me, someone who had gotten to know me quite well as one does in a short confined time, and someone who above all understood my frustration when English people corrected the way I say "about." I DO NOT SAY ABOOT!!! :)
Anyway the fact that I was pretty sad when she left did bring me some joy because it meant that I'm getting better at cherishing the people around me! (See my post called "Happy to Love")

The other good thing I have to look forward to is my brother and Steve and Heather arriving! WOO HOO! I'm so excited to see them. It's been far far too long! I mean what if they've developed and matured into an elite society beyond my social status?? It's a good thing they have a few days with the Mosher clan before returning to England just in case they need to be reminded what silliness and immaturity are. Russell is going to hopefully get a chance to come up and meet the three of them as well which would be super cool and great!

Hmmmm what else. In other news I found my missing bank card. It was perfect timing as usual. I'd gone to the bank last Friday to report it missing and request a new one. They were wonderful and assured me my new one would arrive within 5-7 days. I was excited when after just 3 there was an envelope on my bed containing my new card. I went upstairs to put it in my room and Aaron was just hanging his and Emily's towels over my door when he swiped the top of my wardrobe and something whizzed off. Low and behold, my old bankcard landed at my feet! Typical! lol

Ok well, I'd best get back to work. I was writing out letters before this and I should get back to that! Bye for now!



Anonymous said...

Who's this Russell guy Jenny? He sounds great!!

tmosh said...

cheers to raffi!!
goof ol' canadian culture
oh and the days of Mr dress up, mr rogers and sharon lois + bram oh and we can't forget the Friendly giant and his good friend rusty!