Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Fall is my favourite season.
I love Fall.
I love the colours that the leaves turn, I love the crispness that's in the air, I love wearing sweaters and scarves and mittens but not having to wear a winter coat.
I love that when I'm walking outside I can feel the wind nipping at my cheeks and I know that when I get home and get inside they'll be bright and rosy.
I love the feeling of the world changing around me and being able to see the change as it takes place.
I love that Thanksgiving is in the Fall and that it leads into my next favourite holiday of Christmas.
I love getting home on a Fall day and curling up beside a window and reading a good book, it's just not the same in the summer.
I love drinking Chai Tea Lates in the Fall.
I love the piles of leaves on the roads and being able to run through them sending them flying everywhere.
I love making piles in the backyard and then jumping in them and having leaf fights and getting bits of leaf stuck up your shirt and stuck in your hair.
I love standing under a tree when the wind is blowing and having the leaves come down all around me and when the air is full of them.
I love the example that the leaves give us, that there is beauty in sacrifice.
I am so thankful for the Fall that God has given me this year, that the weather has been so mild and that I've been able to really appreciate it this year.
I am so thankful for the work that God is doing in my life and the fact that He is a part of my life and I thank Him for the gift of Fall.


Anonymous said...

I appreciate that you notice and appreciate these things. So many times we're looking ahead or behind and we never really stop to look at the beauty that lies right infront of us. Let alone remember to thank God for creating them.

Good On Yah

Norma Jean said...

oh mosher...We are TOTALLY on the same wave length. ANd i so love chai lattes as well...mmmmmm....but starbucks is closed and im out. talk toyou soon ..Love you ....thanx again for being there for me.(well you know what I mean)
Bless ya