Wednesday, November 23, 2005

My Hope Is Found in Nothing Less...

I had the morning off today! Woo hoo! Aside from a brief surfacing to straighten Sophie's hair, I slept in and then watched tv and ate Jaffa Cakes. Very healthy I know! It was like watching Saturday morning cartoons all over again...except it wasn't Saturday and I wasn't watching cartoons, I was watching Smallville, but you know what I mean. It was the episode where Clark learns to read the symbols in the cave and meets up with Mr. Swan who is played by Christopher Reeves - the original Superman. Very intense indeed, it supplied my portion of suspense for the day!

This week has been pretty full so far. Yesterday was a 12 hour day with youth alpha. We had a Canada meeting Monday evening and then the youth service on the Sunday evening. A very full week. I've had a lot on my mind as well. Many thoughts and questions about the future, where I'm going, what I'm doing, what is my vision for my life? I guess a lot about the past as well, where have I come, where has this journey led me? God what's been happening in my life these past 4 years? Some answers are more obvious than others and some are still shrouded only to be discovered as the days pass. All I know is that God is faithful and that is where I put my hope...

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23

... A verse that has been very dear to me this week. Hope. I have hope that my future is secure in God's hands. Although there may be days with confusion, frustration and tears of anxiety I have hope in God.

...being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a good word Jenny. Encouraging to me, because I've been thinking about the same stuff lately. thanks :)

Norma Jean said...

as have I been thinking about that as well...and as for a busy week ..I dont think busy would be the word that I would you ...Sickeningly stressful. that about sums it up. So if you could pray that God would find me a cheap reliable vehichle or bless me with winning the lottery so i can afford a newer one garunteed to be reliable that would be dandy ..also pray that Susan would be provided with a new roommate...thanx a million. God is faithful. this i know for sure. But right now everything seems to be crashing down. Im looking forward to see what He has in store ..but i would just like the stress to end for a bit. Love ya jenny.