Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Cup of Ming

So yesterday, later in the afternoon, I started tidying the office as I usually do when I get fed up of the clutter of papers and mugs everywhere. On a rainy day when there's not too much to do I can end up feeling a tad bit claustrophobic with the mess around and my anal-cleaning personality from highschool resurfaces.

As I was cleaning I made my way over to the window ledge which is where a lot of things tend to get dumped instead of sorted. It is also the new home for Mike's set of teas which are now a year old, the kettle and if we're really lucky a jug of milk that gets left in the office over the weekend un-refridgerated. Luckily today there was no milk but there were several dirty mugs and a mysterious orange cup full of some strange unidentifiable liquid. As I peered into the orange cup a smell of indescribable rankness entered my nostrils and my eyes were met with about an inch of brownish green sludge floating in a slick clear coating. I gagged. Looked again and then gagged some more. Then I shouted at the top of my lungs "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WHAT THE HECK IS THIS??"
A slightly startled Lisa and Chris turned around and asked - "what?" I then showed them the cup and Lisa started gagging while Chris, in his quiet subtle manner, said - "That looks like a cup of phlegm"
Well that did it, I started ranting and raving about the inhumanity of something this disgusting being left in an office, and it certainly wasn't Lisa or myself! Then muttering under my breath I braved the cup and grabbed it with the other dirty mugs and marched them downstairs to the kitchen sink, gagging on the way down at the thought of it being held in my hand.
I got to the sink and stood as far away as I could and tipped whatever the heck it was down the drain but it missed and instead of neatly disappearing it spread into the surface area of the chrome. The sight and smell once again assailed me and I keeled over gagging yet again. I quickly turned on the water trying to get rid of it but it only made it swill around more. I gagged again only this time something came up and it really hurt my stomach. I tried to control it but more kept coming up. I dropped the mugs onto the counter and bolted for the bathroom making it just in time. I slowly walked back to the kitchen quite apprehensive of the sink. I'm glad to say that the water had finally washed down the "unknown substance."
I walked back up stairs and snatched the kettle and everything else for making drinks on the ledge, turned to Lisa and said "Mike has just lost his privileges for making drinks in the office!"

And that is the story about the cup of Ming


Anonymous said...

Jenny, How I sympathise, no empathise with you! For several years I too have been the victim of Mike's science experiments in the office, although I have to say the one that you discovered sounds far worse than anything I ever had to deal with. My advice to you is to leave any further new life forms on his desk and let him deal with them! I hope that you're feeling better now and that your dreams aren't haunted by "the cup of ming"!

Anonymous said...

So you puked? LoL! Sorry but's that's actually funny from a third person perspective.

Hope you feel better :D

Steve said...

I've also seen Mike's mugs, but this one must have been really bad to make you actually throw. As a loving chap my suggestion is...

Next time, just tip it over his head!

I can't guarantee the immediate response will be helpful, but it may achieve the desired long term results :-)

An alternative would be to run over to Mike rather than the bathroom...