Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Peanut Butter Cookies

There is a plus side to having moved downstairs to the basement, it means I have a lot more access to the computer once everyone has gone to bed which means that I should be able to blog a lot more frequently!

Today I didn't do to much but one of the few things I did was make some peanut butter cookies. Well, I tried to make some peanut butter cookies, things didn't exactly go as planned. Now, before I continue and before everyone reading this suddenly thinks "oh Jenny!", I would just like to let everyone out there who thinks they have a full understanding of who I am, know, that against all prior incidents in the kitchen I can bake. I am fully capable of creating culinary masterpieces and I am not the only one to have fouled up when baking something! Just ask the lady in England who offered to BUY my peanut butter cookie recipe because she thought they were so good. That's actually a fact too, anyone who would like proof can ask my friend and
co-worker Lisa for verification. (And those ones were the ones with too much salt!)

Ok so, as I said, I decided to bake and everything was going absolutely smashing when my mom called up the stairs and asked "what are you using to bake on?" I had put the cookies on regular metal baking trays but apparently that's not what she uses anymore because they're not that great to bake on. She had forgotten to tell me and about a minute after she said this I smelt burning! I quickly took the cookies out of the oven but the bottoms had burned onto the pans (very sad face here) Fortunately I was able to save half the batch and bake them on the proper clay trays she usually uses and my brothers were able to enjoy what I had created. I suppose looking at it from the half full perspective it was a pretty good accomplishment and an afternoon well spent!

Did I already mention that a lady in England wanted to buy my peanut butter cookie recipe from me? So all you keen bakers out there who are interested I will be taking bids!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any plans for Cricket cookies?
I must admit that the salty cookies WERE good, but you did need a drink after. The walnut cake was REALLY good.
Missing them yummy cakes,
Lotsa love,