Wednesday, January 25, 2006


My dreams lately have seemed so real that I've been waking up pretty confused as to what is the immediate reality around me. Ever since my flight home to Ottawa for this Christmas I keep having dreams about flying and a couple nights ago I had a very realistic dream where I was on and endless journey of connections and delays. It was horrible! I kept thinking "I'm sure I already did this! I already flew back to England...or was I dreaming that?" Then I ended up slapping my cheek in my dream trying to wake myself up while the passenger beside me was looking at me funny. I wasn't waking up at first so I really started thinking that I hadn't actually been back to England was so weird when I woke up.

Last night's dream seemed even more real though and I remember thinking in the dream "wow! Now I'll really have something to blog about!" Then I woke up and realised it wasn't real at all but it sure felt like it. Those who know me well have 3 guesses as to what I had a dream about. The picture kind of gives it away.

I had a dream about tornadoes. I don't know why but I usually have recurring dreams about tornadoes! I'm always fascinated by them and each dream is different except for the fact that there's usually one or more tornadoes in it. This time I was in England with my family and the sky was turning a deep dark yellowish purple. We were all inside on the top floor of this house waiting out the storm. Then the tornadoes formed. I wasn't scared at all! I went right to the window and was watching them touch the ground and sweep through the town. I remember saying that maybe we should head to the basement but none of us did and the fact that we were all together was really comforting. I remember thinking that I wish I had my camera so I could take pictures. No matter how many funnels formed none of them touched our house. It was the most realistic dream about them yet as I can still see them forming before my eyes.

I have to admit that as dangerous as it would be, I really would love to be able to watch a tornado in real life. They really fascinate me. Kind of in the same way when you're a little kid you know touching a hot stove would burn you but it's still fascinating all the same. Maybe one day I will get the chance!


Steve said...

Whoah, cool dream! I wish I had such exciting ones! I had a really vivid one myself last night and woke in the middle of it and didn't know where I was - confusing.

I have to agree with you, I'd love to watch a tornado in real life, I think it would be awesome in the true sense of the word.

As for your dream last night and saying about heading for the basement - you were in England! They don't do basements!! Never mind, it was only a dream. :-)

Regarding the recurring flying dreams and the multiple connections, hmmm, maybe you should tell me about your father?

Catchya later.

Anonymous said...

Do not disregaurd these dreams. God speaks to us in many ways. Perhaps you were not afraid because you knew that God was watching out for you.

It is also very interesting to me that instead of the safefy of a basement you opted for the vantage point of an upstairs window. When those tornadoes begin to rip apart the world about you, remember that view from the mountain top.

You're God's girl Jenny. As for this week being boring. I have no doubt in my mind that life will pick up for you. Try to take time in those "boring/slow" days to reflect and prepare for the next onslaught of tornadoes.

May Peace live with you, Cheerz