Wednesday, September 28, 2005


You know, blogs are funny things. When I write them I can never really get past the feeling that I should be writing in newsletter style, letting everyone know the doings of my life in a very general and objective way. If I'm going to write about something personal I always find that I try to write it in a sermon/story type of way. It's hard to try and write the real me, but there is so much of the real me that I could share. I always have so many thoughts, emotions, and experiences I could write about but I'm always a bit hesitant about how real to make everything because that would be exposing myself completely. There is always a bit of an auto-guard that kicks in when I write that tries to edit everything into a nice neat package to put on display. Sometimes I'm afraid that the moments that I really cherish and think are precious will be watered down and not shared in the same way if I were to share them with everyone. Sometimes I'm afraid that they will become less precious if everyone knew about them, the same way that gold's value would decrease if everyone had loads and loads of it. Sometimes I want to save them to share with people who I really value and who really put in a effort to get to know me, that way I know that they won't be wasted and they'll really want to hear what I have to say. And what about the not so nice things, the things that are ugly and coarse? Would people be able to handle the truth of those things without thinking my life is falling apart? For example here is a bit from my journal on monday:

I'm having a bad day. It's one of those days where I'm finding life hard. I am outside my home country, I do not have very many friends and sometimes it seems like work just consumes my life. It's just a bad day. I have them, everybody has them, they happen. And as much as I'd like to be able to tell everyone around me to back off, would they understand? Yes, it happens to Christians, am I not allowed to have a day where I'm grumpy? I hope tomorrow is better, I'm sure it will be. I do not want anyone to fix anything for me or to be like "poor Jenny" or think I need a load of prayer. I mean prayer is good, but I do not want it out of pity, I want it out of support. I just feel like being able to tell everyone that I'm having a bad day without them thinking that it must be just because I'm homesick and feeling sorry for me and the sacrifice I must have made to come over. It's not about that at all. It's just that it's not a very good day. Why can't people just accept that sometimes?

Sometimes I'm even afraid to journal moments for myself because I don't think that I'll be able to fully capture what the moment held. Like the times when the Holy Spirit whispers in your ear how much He loves you and how much He's rooting for you to succeed when things are hard, or even just because. Or when you're feeling ovewhelmed and you sense His loving arms wrapped around you tight reminding you that He's holding you. Or just when something little in your day makes you smile and He whispers how much He loves it when you smile. How can I put into words the beauty of those experiences? I can't. How can I put into words the reality of those experiences? I can't. And sometimes I think that's why it's so hard when people ask me "how do I know God is real?" Because I can't put into words those moments that I treasure so much that I would put all my faith in a God I cannot see. Of course there are the tangible things, the situations that have come about miraculously out of faith that I can share but they are not what I'm living for. I'm living for those moments that cannot be put into words, that I will not even know fully until I am in Heaven face to face with Jesus. I'm living for the real-ness that even I can't understand.

1 Corinthians 13:12 Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.


Karyn said...

I would like to encourage you to be the Benny Jeth I know while blogging. So far, I think you have mastered it quite well! Your stories and emotions are told fantastically... You make me smile, as I can imagine you telling me your thoughts in person or see you on your adventures! Keep doing what you're doing, saying what you're saying and don't be afraid to be bold on here! I say "now's the time"!

Anonymous said...

Good word.

Norma Jean said...

I agree. Don't change. I love your blogs and I love the way you word things...Its just "YOU" one else can do it like you do. they could try but fail at successfully pulling it off. I find it refreshing to hear about your bad days. I'm sure we've had this conversation when we led TC. But entries like today .....Where youre openly sharing about a bad day just reaffirms that you are indeed human and not this super woman that i had thought of you as on our first round of believe it or not...I actually miss the ill aimed projectiles. and the sound of ow from my mouth ....preceeded by a resounding "MmOSHERRR!" lol aww man ..i miss the team really bad now. Well I love you tonnes ....and i miss you. if only we could be back on that cement church floor...."shh...he's gonna come kick us in the foot..HAHAHAHAH!" well take care my dear. And know that have bad days too....lots of them. I guess it should just make us more thankful for the good ones. or the fact that God has given us another day altogether. now im just rambling and making no sense ..but yeah you and miss you lots.
Hugs and prayers

tmosh said...

hey jenny
i have bad days too.
you aren't alone sista :)
love ya

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny,
I always look forward to new entries on your blog. Sometimes they're stuff right from your heart, other times it's what you've been doing, and then there's the ones that are just straight fun, but it's always YOU and that's the most important thing.
Sometimes I read your blog entries and I laugh, other times I feel sad because of what you're going through, but that's what friends are about - sharing lives.
As for sharing the crappy days and feelings, yeah we'll be sad and yeah we'll pray for you (try stopping us!), but we'll do it because you're our friend and we love you, not out of pity. And by the way, I also happen to get bad days too!
Thanks for your blogs, please keep blogging like you do.

medstudent said...

I love you. You are so real, so genuine, so vulnerable, truthful.